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Aaron Allen
Aaron Allen

Lisrel 91 Software Free Download: A Comprehensive Guide

Lisrel 91 Software Free Download: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are looking for a powerful and versatile tool for structural equation modeling (SEM) and other statistical analyses, you may have heard of Lisrel 91 software. But what is Lisrel 91 software exactly? What are its features and benefits? And how can you download it for free?


In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to use Lisrel 91 software effectively. We will also show you some examples of how Lisrel 91 software can help you with your research projects.

What is Lisrel 91 Software?

Lisrel 91 software is a scientific and statistical software package that provides the basic models and methods for structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM is a widely used statistical method in many fields of study, such as social sciences, management sciences, behavioral sciences, biological sciences, educational sciences, etc. SEM allows researchers to empirically test their theories that are usually formulated as models for observed and latent (unobservable) variables.

Lisrel 91 software was developed by Professor Karl Jöreskog and Dr. Dag Sörbom from Scientific Software International (SSI). The first version of Lisrel software was published in 1970 as a monograph in the Educational Testing Service (ETS) Research Bulletin series. Since then, Lisrel software has been updated regularly with new features and methods to meet the needs of the users. The latest version of Lisrel software is Lisrel 91, which was released in 2020. Lisrel 91 software is compatible with Windows, Mac OS, and Linux operating systems.

Lisrel 91 software consists of four main components: PRELIS, LISREL, SIMPLIS, and MULTILEV. PRELIS is a data manipulation and transformation program that prepares the data for LISREL analysis. LISREL is the core program that performs SEM analysis using matrix notation and syntax commands. SIMPLIS is a simplified interface for LISREL that uses path diagrams and natural language commands. MULTILEV is a program that extends LISREL to handle multilevel and hierarchical data structures.

What are the Features and Benefits of Lisrel 91 Software?

Lisrel 91 software offers many features and benefits for researchers who want to conduct SEM and other statistical analyses. Here are some of the main ones:

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Lisrel 91 software can perform various types of SEM analyses, such as:

  • Measurement models: These are models that specify how observed variables (indicators) reflect latent variables (factors). Lisrel 91 software can estimate different types of measurement models, such as confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), item response theory (IRT), multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC), etc.

  • Structural models: These are models that specify how latent variables (constructs) are related to each other. Lisrel 91 software can estimate different types of structural models, such as path analysis, mediation analysis, moderation analysis, latent growth curve modeling (LGCM), etc.

  • Integrated models: These are models that combine measurement and structural models into a single model. Lisrel 91 software can estimate different types of integrated models, such as structural equation modeling with latent variables (SEMLV), structural equation modeling with means and intercepts (SEM-MI), etc.

  • Multilevel models: These are models that account for the nested or hierarchical structure of the data, such as individuals within groups, students within schools, etc. Lisrel 91 software can estimate different types of multilevel models, such as multilevel CFA, multilevel SEM, multilevel LGCM, etc.

  • Complex survey data models: These are models that account for the complex sampling design of the data, such as stratification, clustering, weighting, etc. Lisrel 91 software can estimate different types of complex survey data models, such as complex survey CFA, complex survey SEM, complex survey LGCM, etc.

  • Generalized linear models: These are models that extend the linear regression model to handle non-normal or categorical outcomes, such as binary, ordinal, count, etc. Lisrel 91 software can estimate different types of generalized linear models, such as logistic regression, probit regression, Poisson regression, negative binomial regression, etc.

Lisrel 91 software can also handle various types of data formats and structures, such as continuous, categorical, ordinal, censored, missing, longitudinal, cross-sectional, panel, multivariate, etc. Lisrel 91 software can also handle various types of estimation methods and criteria, such as maximum likelihood, weighted least squares, generalized least squares, Bayesian, bootstrap, etc.

Lisrel 91 software can also provide various types of output and results, such as parameter estimates, standard errors, fit indices, model comparisons, modification indices, residual analysis, etc. Lisrel 91 software can also generate and export graphical representations of the models, such as path diagrams, scree plots, factor loading plots, etc.

Data Manipulation and Transformation

Lisrel 91 software can also perform various tasks related to data manipulation and transformation, such as:

  • Data preparation: Lisrel 91 software can help users to prepare their data for analysis by checking the data quality, detecting outliers and errors, recoding variables, creating new variables, etc.

  • Data generation: Lisrel 91 software can help users to generate data for simulation or testing purposes by specifying the model parameters, sample size, data distribution, etc.

  • Data imputation: Lisrel 91 software can help users to deal with missing data by applying different methods of data imputation, such as mean substitution, regression imputation, multiple imputation, etc.

  • Data import and export: Lisrel 91 software can help users to import and export data from and to different formats and sources, such as Excel, SPSS, SAS, Stata, R, etc.

Statistical Methods and Tests

Lisrel 91 software can also perform various statistical methods and tests that are not directly related to SEM, but are useful for data analysis and interpretation. Some of these methods and tests are:

  • Exploratory factor analysis (EFA): This is a method that helps users to identify the underlying factors or dimensions that explain the correlations among a set of observed variables. Lisrel 91 software can perform EFA using different methods of factor extraction and rotation.

  • Logistic regression: This is a method that helps users to model the relationship between a binary outcome variable and a set of predictor variables. Lisrel 91 software can perform logistic regression using different methods of estimation and selection.

  • Censored regression: This is a method that helps users to model the relationship between a censored outcome variable and a set of predictor variables. A censored outcome variable is one that has some values that are not observed or recorded due to some reasons. Lisrel 91 software can perform censored regression using different methods of estimation and selection.

  • Multiple imputation: This is a method that helps users to deal with missing data by creating multiple versions of the data with different values for the missing observations. Lisrel 91 software can perform multiple imputation using different methods of imputation and combination.

  • Confidence interval estimates: These are intervals that provide a range of plausible values for a parameter or a statistic based on the sample data. Lisrel 91 software can provide confidence interval estimates for different parameters and statistics using different methods of calculation and presentation.

How to Download Lisrel 91 Software for Free?

If you are interested in trying out Lisrel 91 software for yourself, you may be wondering how to download it for free. There are three ways to do so:

Free Trial License

The easiest way to download Lisrel 91 software for free is to obtain a free trial license from the official website of SSI. A free trial license allows you to use the full version of Lisrel 91 software for 15 days without any limitations or restrictions. However, you will not receive any technical support or updates during this period.

To obtain a free trial license, you need to fill out a form on the website with your name, email address, institution name, country, and purpose of use. You also need to agree to the terms and conditions of the license agreement. After submitting the form, you will receive an email with a link to download Lisrel 91 software and an activation code to activate it. You can use the activation code only once and only on one computer.

To download and activate Lisrel 91 software using the free trial license, you need to follow these steps:

  • Click on the link in the email to download Lisrel 91 software as a zip file.

  • Extract the zip file to a folder on your computer.

  • Run the setup.exe file in the folder to install Lisrel 91 software.

  • Launch Lisrel 91 software from the start menu or the desktop shortcut.

  • Enter the activation code in the dialog box that appears and click on Activate.

  • Enjoy using Lisrel 91 software for 15 days.

Free Student Edition

Another way to download Lisrel 91 software for free is to download and install the free student edition from the official website of SSI. The free student edition is a limited version of Lisrel 91 software that is intended for educational purposes only. It has some restrictions on the number of variables and data formats that it can handle. For example, it can handle only up to 15 observed variables, 15 latent variables, and 1000 observations. It can also handle only PRELIS data files and LISREL syntax files.

The free student edition does not require any activation code or license agreement. However, it does not provide any technical support or updates. It also displays a message on the screen that indicates that it is a free student edition and not for commercial use.

To download and install the free student edition of Lisrel 91 software, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the official website of SSI and click on the Download tab.

  • Scroll down to the Free Student Edition section and click on the Download button.

  • Save the file lisrelse.exe to your computer.

  • Run the file lisrelse.exe to install Lisrel 91 software.

  • Launch Lisrel 91 software from the start menu or the desktop shortcut.

  • Enjoy using Lisrel 91 software for educational purposes only.

Free Upgrade Version

The third way to download Lisrel 91 software for free is to upgrade from previous versions of Lisrel software to Lisrel 91 software if you have an active activation code. An active activation code is one that has not expired or been used on another computer. If you have purchased a previous version of Lisrel software from SSI or an authorized reseller, you should have received an activation code with your purchase. You can use this activation code to upgrade to Lisrel 91 software for free.

To download and upgrade to Lisrel 91 software using your active activation code, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the official website of SSI and click on the Download tab.

  • Scroll down to the Upgrade Version section and click on the Download button.

  • Save the file lisrelup.exe to your computer.

  • Run the file lisrelup.exe to install Lisrel 91 software.

  • Launch Lisrel 91 software from the start menu or the desktop shortcut.

  • Enter your activation code in the dialog box that appears and click on Activate.

  • Enjoy using Lisrel 91 software with your existing license.

How to Use Lisrel 91 Software Effectively?

Now that you have downloaded Lisrel 91 software for free, you may be wondering how to use it effectively for your research projects. In this section, we will give you some tips and tricks on how to use Lisrel 91 software efficiently and productively. We will also show you some examples of how to create and run different types of SEM models using Lisrel 91 software.

Syntax Files and Project Files

Lisrel 91 software uses two types of files for performing SEM analysis: syntax files and project files. A syntax file is a text file that contains the commands and options that are used to specify the model and the data. A project file is a binary file that contains the syntax file, the data file, and the output file. A project file can be created and edited using the graphical user interface (GUI) of Lisrel 91 software. To create and edit a syntax file for Lisrel 91 software, you can use any text editor, such as Notepad, WordPad, etc. You can also use the built-in syntax editor of Lisrel 91 software, which provides some features such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, error checking, etc. A syntax file for Lisrel 91 software has a .ls8 extension. To create and edit a project file for Lisrel 91 software, you can use the GUI of Lisrel 91 software, which provides a user-friendly and interactive way to specify the model and the data. You can also use the built-in project editor of Lisrel 91 software, which allows you to view and modify the syntax file, the data file, and the output file in one window. A project file for Lisrel 91 software has a .lpj extension. To run a syntax file or a project file for Lisrel 91 software, you can use the command line interface (CLI) or the GUI of Lisrel 91 software. You can also use the built-in run button of Lisrel 91 software, which allows you to execute the syntax file or the project file with one click. To run a syntax file or a project file for Lisrel 91 software, you need to have a valid activation code or license agreement. Path Diagrams and Output Files

Lisrel 91 software can also generate and export path diagrams and output files for SEM analysis. A path diagram is a graphical representation of the model that shows the variables, the parameters, and the relationships among them. An output file is a text file that contains the results of the analysis, such as parameter estimates, standard errors, fit indices, model comparisons, modification indices, residual analysis, etc.

To generate and export a path diagram for Lisrel 91 software, you can use the SIMPLIS interface or the LISREL interface of Lisrel 91 software. You can also use the built-in path diagram generator of Lisrel 91 software, which allows you to create and edit path diagrams using different options and formats. A path diagram for Lisrel 91 software has a .ps8 extension.

To generate and export an output file for Lisrel 91 software, you can use any interface or editor of Lisrel 91 software. You can also use the built-in output viewer of Lisrel 91 software, which allows you to view and save output files using different options and formats. An output file for Lisrel 91 software has a .out extension.

Resources and Support

Lisrel 91 software provides various resources and support for users who want to learn more about SEM and how to use Lisrel 91 software effectively. Some of these resources and support are:

  • Manuals: These are documents that provide detailed information on how to use Lisrel 91 software and its components. They also provide examples and exercises for different types of SEM models and analyses. The manuals are available in PDF format on the official website of SSI.

  • Examples: These are files that provide worked examples of how to use Lisrel 91 software for different types of SEM models and analyses. They include syntax files, data files, output files, and path diagrams. The examples are available in ZIP format on the official website of SSI.

  • Tutorials: These are videos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to use Lisrel 91 software for different types of SEM models and analyses. They also provide tips and tricks on how to use Lisrel 91 software efficiently and productively. The tutorials are available on YouTube.

  • Forums: These are online platforms where users can ask questions, share experiences, and exchange ideas about SEM and Lisrel 91 software. They also provide feedback and suggestions on how to improve Lisrel 91 software. The forums are available on Google Groups.

  • Technical support: This is a service that provides assistance and guidance on how to use Lisrel 91 software and solve any problems or issues that may arise. Technical support is available by email or phone for users who have purchased a license or subscription for Lisrel 91 software.


Lisrel 91 software is a scientific and statistical software package that provides the basic models and methods for structural equation modeling (SEM) and other statistical analyses. It has many features and benefits that make it a powerful and versatile tool for researchers who want to empirically test their theories that are usually formulated as models for observed and latent (unobservable) variables. In this article, we have provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to download Lisrel 91 software for free and how to use it effectively for your research projects. We have also shown you some examples of how Lisrel 91 software can help you with your SEM models and analyses. We hope that you have found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us or visit the official website of SSI for more resources and support. Thank you for reading and happy modeling! FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about Lisrel 91 software and their answers:

Q: How much does Lisrel 91 software cost?

  • A: Lisrel 91 software is not free, except for the free trial license, the free student edition, and the free upgrade version. The price of Lisrel 91 software depends on the type of license and the duration of the subscription. You can check the price list on the official website of SSI.

Q: How can I learn more about SEM and Lisrel 91 software?

A: You can learn more about SEM and Lisrel 91 software by reading the manuals, watching the tutorials, following the examples, joining the forums, and contacting the technical support. You can also read some books and articles on SEM and Lisrel 91 software, such as:

  • Jöreskog, K. G., & Sörbom, D. (2016). LISREL 9.30 for Windows [Computer Software]. Lincolnwood, IL: Scientific Software International.

  • Schumacker, R. E., & Lomax, R. G. (2016). A beginner's guide to structural equation modeling (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Byrne, B. M. (2016). Structural equation modeling with LISREL, PRELIS, and SIMPLIS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Lisrel 91 software?

A: Some of the advantages of Lisrel 91 software are:

  • It is one of the oldest and most established software packages for SEM and other statistical analyses.

  • It provides a comprehensive and flexible framework for specifying and estimating different types of SEM models and analyses.

  • It has a user-friendly and interactive GUI that allows users to create and edit syntax files, project files, path diagrams, and output files.

  • It has a built-in syntax editor, path diagram generator, output viewer, and other features that enhance the user experience and productivity.



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